I had created blogs(yes, plural) a few years back but lack of interest caused these to become "extinct". Here's hoping that this one will not see a similar fate.
And then He said... let there be madness... Thats where I come into the picture... I was the "He" :P
I solemnly swear that I am mad, crazy, insane and 100 other hues of the word meant not in the truest sense but a bit twisted sense... I am many peepul rolled into one... I am me.. I am you... I am that psycho nobody warned you about... I am the best, I am the worst, I am a border narcissist... I love to read, I love to write. I love to cry, I love to laugh. I love to sing, I love to dance (this one reserved wonly faar my enemies aiyy say :P) I am usually boring, sometimes interesting... Very high probability that a sentence uttered or muttered by me is a PJ... very high probability that you will find me knocking things over and running along like i have a plane to catch... Very high probability that my body contains 20% water and 50% coffee...
To summarize, I yam What I yam :D